I need representation at mediation, can Webb Law Group help me?
Short Answer: Yes.
Your attorney’s value to you comes from extensive legal experience, perspective and understanding to every legal matter. Collectively, our attorneys have decades of experience in various practice areas. Based on this extensive knowledge, they have the ability to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your case, which makes their settlement experience effective at mediation.
What Mediation Is
Mediation is a confidential, non-binding process in which a trained mediator acts as a neutral person who facilitates communication between disputants. The mediator assists parties in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution of all or part of their dispute.
What mediation is not
Mediation is not debating. It does not require you to prove that you are right, and the other person is wrong. Unlike debating, mediation is not intended to have a “win-lose” outcome.
What mediators will do
The mediator is a neutral who helps participants reach a settlement. The mediator will not impose a settlement but will assist the parties in exploring settlement options. A mediator is often able to more fully explore the parties’ underlying interests, needs and priorities. The Mediator will help identify the issues and interest in need of resolution. We can accomplish creative things in the mediation that we could never accomplish in trial.
Built on Integrity, Driven by Results, Committed to You Our Guiding Principles
Our team combines creative problem-solving with compassionate counsel to guide you through every step of your legal journey.
With decades of combined legal expertise, we confidently navigate complex cases to protect your rights and achieve favorable outcomes.
We deliver customized legal solutions backed by a track record of success, ensuring your unique needs are always our top priority.
We believe in your case and stand by you with a contingency fee structure—no legal fees unless we secure a win for you.
Mediation FAQ's
Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 559-431-4888 today!
How do I prepare for mediation?Be prepared to state your position and then listen carefully to the other side. Take an educated look at all options but always be willing to walk away from the table. You may be willing to settle but other side may not be, or vice versa. Be prepared for a full day of negotiations and strategy meetings afterwards in the event that we don’t reach an agreement. Lastly, we recommend taking notes.
Is mediation confidential?
All communications, negotiations, or settlement discussions in the course of a mediation are confidential and are not admissible or subject to discovery, with small exceptions under California law. However, facts disclosed to the mediator may be shared with opposing counsel during the mediation. If you do not want something shared, please be sure the mediator takes note of this instruction.
Who attends mediation?The single most important factor contributing to the success of mediation is the presence of all decision-makers. All parties, their counsel and persons with full authority to settle the case must personally attend the mediation, unless excused by the court for good cause