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Government Officials and San Diego Business Litigation Firms Protect Senior Citizens from Fraud


On June 14, California state senator Ted Lieu hosted the Senior Scam Stopper SM event to increase the awareness of senior citizens on common financial scams and investment fraud. As a large portion of the US population gets older each year, points out Jane Kreidler, the event’s coordinator, the situation of elderly people being scammed and victimized by fraudulent individuals will only continue. If it ever does happen to you, you can always depend on the help of a lawyer from a San Diego business litigation firm.

Financial or business fraud is defined as a case wherein financial resources are not legally and ethically managed. California law allows a person to file for fraud under these circumstances: intentional misrepresentation, negligent misrepresentation, concealment or failure to disclose relevant data with intent to defraud the victim, and a false promise. Scam artists are usually on the lookout for unsuspecting or vulnerable people; with senior citizens as fitting targets.

With the right knowledge, though, seniors can protect themselves from the evil tricks of swindlers and scammers. For instance, they should never trust strangers who claim to have had business dealings with them, or even those who volunteer to fix their house or manage their assets. They should also keep away from salespeople who prey on the typical fears of the elderly, and make them feel uncomfortable in any way because this is a subtle form of coercion that should be avoided at all times.

Kreidler also states that while a dwindling economy and advancing technology create new ways by which con artists can dupe people out of serious cash, there are still those who do it via traditional means, particularly by posing as legitimate contractors. Therefore, one should confirm whether or not a contractor is reliable, and has valid credentials before allowing them to work on one’s property.

San Diego is one of the many prominent Southern California cities that attract retirees. This fact attracts unscrupulous characters who hope to make a quick mark out of a person disadvantaged by advanced age. Anyone of these older people who have been victimized by fraud should get in touch with an established San Diego business litigation attorney who can assess their case and help uphold their rights.

A business litigation lawyer, whether from Webb Law Group or other reputable firms, can even help protect people against fraud by providing them with valuable advice before they decide to pursue an investment deal. Moreover, a business lawyer can be a trustworthy ally in filing a case.

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466 W. Fallbrook,
Suite 102
Fresno, CA 93711

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10509 Vista Sorrento Pkwy., Suite 430
San Diego, CA 92121

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