You fall in love, get married, and expect that your wedded bliss will last forever. Sadly, this is not the case for more than 40% of marriages in the United States.
If you are dreading the traditional lengthy court battles that come along with divorce, perhaps it is time to consider other less intrusive and less expensive options.
Collaborative Law and Software-Based Divorce
For many couples, collaborative law is a good fit. During the collaborative process, parties and their attorneys must agree ahead of time that there will not be any court intervention. The parties then work with their respective attorneys and other members of their support team, including counselors, financial experts, and child custody specialists to reach an agreement on all marital issues. The downside to collaborative law is that in the event the parties cannot reach an agreement, their respective attorneys will have to withdraw as counsel of record and the entire process will have to start over in the court system.
For other couples, a software-based divorce such as Wevorce, wherein the parties are able to utilize custom case-management software and populate their own legal documents that can then be reviewed by counsel, has become popular. The downside to software-based programs for many couples is the sterile environment and lack of guidance from legal professionals.
Middle Ground
If options such as Wevorce and/or collaborative law are not for you, but you are reluctant to dive head first into a full-blow litigation battle with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, perhaps our office would be a good fit for you. Our office can provide you with the legal advice and emotional support you need to make it through your divorce unscathed. We pride ourselves on providing individual and custom-tailored legal services to meet the needs of our clients. We will strive to complete your divorce through settlement without adversarial proceedings; however, in the event court intervention becomes necessary we will fight aggressively for your rights.
Please contact our office today to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys.
Amy R. Lovegren-Tipton, Esq.
466 W. Fallbrook Avenue, Suite 102
Fresno, CA 93711
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