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Business Attorney Provides Assistance to Expedite Corporate Dissolutions


No deal is ever written in stone.  Partnerships for whatever reason may be broken.  Be it bad faith or bad habits, the break-up of a partnership is almost always painful.  You (and your partners) are at a quandary as to what to do next.  You feel chained to a golden handcuff.   It’s nice maintaining the veneer of a partnership, but it can be stifling to all concerned.

Given such a situation, we recommend that you hire a San Diego business attorney and have them go to court and file for a corporate dissolution.  With California Corporations Code 1800 et seq as our basis, we currently handle several corporate dissolutions – all are with the courts.   Now, bringing the dissolution case does not make you the indignant litigant who will file a suit at the drop of a hat.  The courts actually serve as leverage for decision-making. With a judge or jury sitting to decide the fate of the organization with finality, all the parties will then act with more urgency.  When your partners are now open to a settlement, we now go to California Code of Civil Procedure section 664.4, which mandates that any settlement initiated in court be respected by all parties as if it was promulgated by a judge or a jury.

Therein lies the wisdom of bringing your corporate dissolution case to court.  Some may decry the strategy as “Shoot first; ask questions later.”  We would rather say that we believe in leveraging the authority of the bench.

If you are having problems with your partners, why not talk to us? We shall be more than happy to listen to you.  We can plan out ways to best approach your situation, treating it as unique and not providing you a “one size fits all” solution.  We realize that in business, time is as important as other resources.  Thus, the sooner you resolve your partnership problem, the better for you.

Call on us our Fresno or San Diego office to speak to a business attorney today for a consultation.


466 W. Fallbrook Avenue, Suite 102
Fresno, CA 93711

Phone: (559) 431-4888

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