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Business Litigation Attorney in San Diego Shows There is Strength in Numbers in a Class Action Suit


“In union, there is strength.”  This adage is most applicable with class action suits.  A class action lawsuit is an action in which a set of individuals with a common complaint affected by the same product, service or situation files a case in court against the defendant as one group.  Common sources of injuries that may be grounds for a class action lawsuit include dissatisfaction from using a defective product, injuries arising from a major accident such as a plane crash; complaints stemming from misleading advertising or promotional claims, and other similar injuries. Other grounds include corporate misconduct, securities fraud, and employment practices.  In San Diego, a business litigation attorney has the expertise to handle the diverse range of complaints in a class action suit.

Not too many law firms have the experience and competence to take on a class action law suit. If you have experienced injury by a product or business entity and you think there are others in your situation, it is best to consult an attorney experienced in class actions.

The claims at issue in a class action lawsuit can be large or small as long as they share certain similarities.  In many lawsuits, the injuries suffered by individual complainants are minor and may not really be worth the court’s or litigant’s time if pursued individually. However, when tens, hundreds, or even thousands of litigants have similar claims arising out of the same set of facts or circumstances, class actions are an economic and efficient way to deal with the issue.

Class action suits are beneficial to the litigants because of their efficiency. This is because a class action brings together and disposes of all claims in one lawsuit. The judge then makes his judgment on the key issue of who wins in the case – the one defendant – or the group, which may comprise thousands of litigants.  If the defendant wins, the judge dismisses the action and he bars the members of the group from filing new or individual lawsuits on the same issues raised in the class action.  If the group is adjudged the winner, the court declares the defendant culpable for the plaintiffs’ injuries. The court then sets an amount of damage which, when paid to the group, will be divided among the plaintiffs and their representative attorney or attorneys.

Since a class action suit aggregates claims, the format helps decrease the exorbitant cost of litigation.  The plaintiffs would be helped further if they avail the services of a specially trained business litigation attorney. If you or someone you know has a possible class action claim, please contact the Law Firm of Webb & Bordson, APC, today by email at, or by telephone at (559) 431-4888.

466 W. Fallbrook,
Suite 102
Fresno, CA 93711

San Diego Branch:
10509 Vista Sorrento Pkwy., Suite 430
San Diego, CA 92121

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